Rakettitiede Recruitment FAQ | Rakettitiede

Rakettitiede FAQ’s

Had a great chat and but already forgot half of the info burst received? No worries, we made notes for you! Here’s a few things to recall:


Here’s a few things from the call:

What kind of consultancy are you?

We focus on active, full-time software development, and our consultants form a part of the client’s development team. Our core expertise lies in web and mobile services, IoT, and embedded systems. Whether the client needs just one developer or an entire team, we have the competence they require.

What technologies do you use?

Tech stack is specific for each assignment. Sometimes we are able to influence the decisions, but some times we take what is given to us. As consultants have a say on what assignment they embark on, we don’t force anyone to work with a stack they hate.

Is there a possibility of remote work?

From Rakettitiede’s point of view yes, but as we do client work we need to take their wishes into consideration. Usually, our consultants work fully remotely or in a hybrid model alternating between home and the client’s premises. Rakettitiede also has an office of its own where everyone is warmly welcome to grind their daily tasks and salute fellow Rocket Scientists.

Where is this office you mentioned?

In Helsinki, Fredrikinkatu 40 A to be more precise. It is a cozy little space and we estimate it fits 8 people somewhat comfortably at the same time (so no named desks, sorry!).

Will I be the only Rocket Scientist in a project?

Sometimes yes, but a little over half of our consultants are working with the same client as another Rocket Scientist.  

What devices do I get to work with?

Sometimes the client requests that the consultant uses their devices. Other than that, you are free to choose what you want to work with and Rakettitiede provides. There are no specific budget, you can use your own judgment when it comes to prices. The company can offer you a laptop, phone, mouse, monitor, headphones, or whatever you need to get your work done. 

“We don’t want to define a budget precisely because we trust everyone’s judgment. People don’t recklessly upgrade their devices or buy the most expensive machine just because the company pays for it. Everyone takes good care of their equipment and uses what they have for as long as it makes sense,” says Mira Mondragon, command bridge coordinator in charge of orders. More on the matter here.

What about money?

Rakettitiede has a 50/50 pay model, so 50% of the client billing goes straight to the gross salary. As we need to know the hours before paying the salary, you can expect the first Rocket pay-check on the 20th of the next working month. More info here.

And benefits?

We are firm believers in paying well and letting everyone decide what they want to do with their money, but we also want our consultants to stay happy and healthy at work. So on top of the salary, we offer comprehensive, specialty-level medical expenses insurance (also handles accidents that happen outside of work), conversational psychological support (Auntie) as well as telephone, home internet, and lunch benefit.

And vacation time?

At Rakettitiede we apply ICT sectors collective labour agreement (tietotekniikan palvelualan työehtosopimus). Counting vacay days according to law:

You get 2,5 days of vacation if you have worked at least 14 days per month and your employment has continued over a year before 1st of April. If the employment has continued under one year before 1st of April > you get 2 days of vacation per month (if you have worked at least 14 days/month). The holiday determination season is 1st of April - 31st of March. 

Unpaid leave needs to be negotiated case by case with Rakettitiede and the client.

What is your yearly employee turnover?

Only 9 % (compared to the Finnish average in the IT sector: 17% in 2021). A whopping 17% of consultants who leave Rakettitiede to to seek the greener grass have returned to the mothership.

What are your plans for the future?

We hope to see a 20% growth annually and still live up to our principle of people before growth and profitability.


Questions? Get in touch!


Send a message and we’ll talk some more!
