Päivärinta says Jarno played a dual role as both as a developer and project manager, striking the perfect balance between technical expertise and communication skills. Instead of questioning existing solutions, Jarno focused on their context. He also receives kudos for driving progress through discussions and innovative approaches.
“We have a wealth of expertise and diverse opinions, which can sometimes lead to indecisiveness. In such situations, we welcome someone with extensive experience to determine what is worth pursuing. What we needed was a nudge in the right direction, allowing us to then develop it further on our own,” Päivärinta says.
Jarno Laine feels that Fondion’s team were open to new suggestions and committed to quality. He enjoyed working on the project, where the work was done on the developer's terms. Jarno believes that when developers are satisfied, they are motivated to do their best – ultimately benefitting the customer with a superior outcome.
Now that some time has passed since the project, it’s clear that onboarding new Designer Trainees at Fondion has become easier, thanks to the groundwork laid. With the storybook, design library and unified practices in place, the potential of designers is maximised, and their proposals can be implemented effectively.”
The collaboration with Rakettitiede also came with a sweet surprise: “The best part? Jarno’s homemade chocolates!”